How Your Employee Benefits Fit into Your Financial Plan

Your Health Savings Account (HSA) is a cornerstone of your benefits planning. The money is triple tax-advantaged – contributions, growth and withdrawals for qualified expenses are not taxed. This account is like nothing else, and you need to take full advantage of it. 

How to Think Three-Dimensionally About the Rent or Lease or Buy Question

There’s more to this central question – rent/lease versus buy – than simply the numbers in your bank account. What you don’t spend in cash, you may spend in time and energy; what you save in this market you may pay for a year from now when the market is depressed.

Section 199A Deduction for Small Business Owners

The United States Internal Revenue Service Has Big Changes for Small Business Owners Two-hundred-forty-seven pages later, we have one large Internal Revenue Service document — and a whole lot of questions about everything from qualified income to 199A QBI deductions. Section 199A dedu …

Politics and the Markets: How to Invest in Politically Challenging Times

When presenting to individual investors, what I worry about the most is offending an audience member’s political views, especially when there’s a Q&A to follow. As our political discussions grow more contentious, it’s more challenging to avoid stepping on toes.

Volatility – What to Expect and How to Act

I recently gave an annual presentation to the 401(k) participants I advise. I always try to explain risk tolerance and investing to my audience in an easily understandable way. For most of the participants, investing in their 401(k) has been their only experience investing, so their knowled …

Took Their Ball and Went Home: Staying in Play with Job-Creators

Valentine’s Day was tough on New Yorkers who hoped to benefit from the more than 20,000 new jobs from Amazon’s move there (not to mention all the additional jobs from construction and supporting the new employees).

How Can I Donate in the Most Efficient Way Possible?

There are many ways to give to nonprofit organizations – from dropping off your old couch at Goodwill to volunteering at the local soup kitchen. When it comes to giving money, there are many personal benefits, both emotional and financial.

4 Easy Ways to Diversify Your Investments

Published By Jake Bleicher, Equity Analyst The benefit diversified investments has for a portfolio is simple, in theory. It reduces the impact any individual investment has on the portfolio, and proper diversification can help mitigate losses during a market downturn. In practice however, p …

Comfort: A Word We Need To Think About For Our Families

Published By B. Patrick Carter, CPA If we lived life in reverse, think of all of the confusion and problems we could potentially avoid. We could provide for our families in a much more efficient manner, covering all of those things that seem unimportant to us now or decisions we avoid becau …

How Emotional Decisions Can Ruin Your Investment Strategy

More money is left behind than lost during market declines. When an investor reacts emotionally to declines, they often pull money out of the market, derailing their investment strategy and leaving them much less exposed to equity markets. Often, these moves are made very near the bottom of …

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