3 Ways a Financial Advisor Can Help After the Death of a Spouse

By Sweet Financial Partners On October 24, 2023

3 Ways a Financial Advisor Can Help After the Death of a Spouse

When you lose your spouse… your whole world changes.   You can’t remember things, can’t even think about making any decisions.  You feel numb and you are afraid these feelings will last forever.  The journey will not be easy; your transition from part of a couple to a single person will be difficult and may feel like there is no end in sight.

As you move into your new life, this is not the time to go through it alone.  Even the strongest most independent women find themselves lost and unable to carry on with their day-to-day routines.  A trusted financial advisor could be the sounding board that you are missing.   They can help coach you through the decisions that need to be made, while providing you with the space and time you need to grieve.

  1. One of the immediate and maybe most important benefits that a financial advisor can provide is helping you feel less overwhelmed with all of the decisions that need to be made. An advisor will be able to help you determine which decisions need to get made immediately, and which ones can be postponed until you are in a better place.  It is better to take time to consider all options before making any life altering decisions.  Right away it may seem like a good idea to sell your house or gift money to your family, but now isn’t the time to act impulsively.
  2. Sorting through all of your finances and paperwork can feel like a daunting task. Enlist the help of a financial advisor to help you sort through the paperwork to make sure that nothing gets missed.  They have worked through this before, and can help keep you on track.  Delegating some financial matters to a professional will allow you to focus on you and your family’s emotional needs.
  3. It is often necessary to evaluate the allocation of your investment accounts to see if it is aligned with your risk tolerance.  Especially in the instances where your husband took care of the investments, what was suitable for you before may no longer be the case.  This is where your advisor can provide you with unbiased guidance, and create a plan for your future that considers all of your needs and goals.  Developing a financial plan can help you determine if you have enough assets to maintain your current lifestyle or if additional saving is needed.


An advisor will be there to educate you along the way as you begin to adjust to your new life.  Many widows let their spouse take care of the finances and aren’t familiar with investing, insurance, taxes or estate planning.  Your advisor will be able to take extra time to explain concepts with you so that you can become confident with making financial decisions.  It is important to remember that there are no silly questions, and to not get discouraged, it will take time to understand how everything works together.

Now is when you need a compassionate and knowledgeable financial advisor who has specialized training in helping widows manage their financial transitions.  We can’t make your grief go away, but we will do all we can to make sure that you confidently move on to the next phase of life.


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