Embracing New Career Adventures – Finding Your Path

By Sweet Financial Partners On October 24, 2023

Embracing New Career Adventures – Finding Your Path

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s not uncommon to think about changing careers. It can be exciting and a little scary!

Remember the dreams you had as a kid, the lessons in school, and your first job? All of these helped you start your career. But now, if you’re feeling like a change is needed, it’s okay to wonder: “Is this the right move? Can I do it? Do I want to start over?” And if you’ve lost a job, you might be thinking: “What’s next?”

Here’s the deal. Whether you’re a man or a woman, young or a bit older, the first thing to do is think about why you want a change. People today often think about new jobs because:

They want a better work-life balance.

They’re looking for a new challenge.

They want to earn more.

They’re moving to a new place.

They’re feeling tired or burnt out.

Thinking about a switch? Cool! Here are some things to think about:


Know your why: Burned out or bored? Stagnant? Is your passion elsewhere? Know how to address this during interviews.

Under your nose: Could a new job in your current field or company provide what you’re looking for? If not, understand what you’d be giving up.

Going solo: If being the boss is the goal, remember there’s a lot to starting a business. Be sure your idea is solid and pursue financing. Try building clientele before leaving your current job. 

Logic versus emotion: Are you making a hasty decision? Take time to discuss with your family and financial advisor.

Skills and interest: Do you have the chops and enthusiasm for your dream job? A temporary or volunteer position could provide the answers.

Money: How will your finances be impacted in the short and long term? Crunch the numbers and reach out to your advisor for perspective.


Ducks in a row: Even positive transitions can bring stress. Take time to get organized and ask your advisor to help you navigate any income changes.

Seek input: Find a mentor or career coach in your chosen field.

Someone else’s idea: Is your change involuntary? Assess your financial needs immediately and negotiate severance if that’s an option.

Roll wisely: Make a plan for your employer-sponsored retirement accounts and benefits. It may be wise, to consolidate your accounts.

Whether it’s your own leap or an unexpected nudge, a career change can be as stressful or fluid as you choose. With solid guidance and planning, the future can look rewarding and bright.


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